Research Grants
​The Early American Industries Association supports projects related to its mission to preserve and present historic trades, crafts, and tools, and the interpretation of their impact on our lives. Applications are due March 15th of each year. Individual grants up to $3,000.00 may be awarded. Awards are announced each May at the EAIA Annual Meeting.
Interested in learning more about the types of grants offered through the EAIA? Here's some more information for you
Grant Application Guidelines
The project must relate to the purpose of the EAIA.
NEW! One of the grants may be available for supporting active conservation, public demonstrations, or educational programming by historic sites that hold 501 (c) 3 non-profit status.
The total length of the application may not exceed ten pages.
Successful applicants will be required to file a report on the project. The report must include a statement of expenditures and must be filed with the committee by March 15th of the year following the grant.
An abstract of the grantees research must be furnished with a report within 60 days of the scheduled completion of the funded work. -Within a year of completion, grantees will submit an article reflecting the research for publication in The Chronicle (quarterly journal) or Shavings (quarterly newsletter) of the EAIA.
One copy of the final form of the completed project must be deposited with the Research Grants Committee, whether or not the final form is published.
Official acknowledgment of the support of EAIA must be listed in any published material connected with the project.
A research grant may be used to supplement existing fellowships, scholarships, or other forms of aid. The grant is not to be used to reduce or substitute for such assistance.
A research grant will not exceed $3,000 and is not renewable
A grant may not be used to pay for salaries, stipends, historical artifacts, software, or equipment in whole or in part.
Applicants are asked to give the names and addresses of their local newspapers so the Research Grants Committee can announce new grant recipients.
For information and applications contact:
John H. Verrill, Executive Director
Phone: 703-967-9399
P.O. Box 524
Hebron, MD 21830-0524
Previously Awarded Grant Projects
Marshall Scheetz “Cannikin, Tankard, Tigg, and Stoup: History, Usage, and Manufacture of Wooden Staved Drinking Vessels in America.” Winthrop L Carter Award
Karl J. Schmidt, PhD, “Thomas Passmore: Tinsmithing Entrepreneur in the Early Republic, 1793-1809” James M. Gaynor Award
Philip Frank Reid, “Sultana: An American Schooner, the Royal Navy, and British American Shipwrighty” Winthrop L. Carter Award
Christian Matthew South-Alderson, “19th Century American toolmakers: For the Saddle and Shoemakers Trade” James M. Gaynor Award
Linda Welters, “Homespun in New England” Winthrop L. Carter Award
Karl J. Schmidt, “Tinsmithing & Tin Goods in the Fur Trade” James M. Gaynor Award
Mark G. Kelly, “Isaac Meason & JD Mathiot: The Iron Industry in Western Pennsylvania” Watson Memorial Fellowship Award
No grants were awarded in the 2017 grant cycle.
Nickolas Perrone, “Selling Soles: Zadock Pratt and the Leather Tanning Industry in New York”
Sarah Thomas, “Objects of the Early Southern Backcountry: The People of Shenandoah County and their Material Culture”
Debora Ellen Blodgett, “The Button Hook-An Essential Garment Tool, An Analysis Through United States Patent Records, 1865-1915
Joshua A. Klein, “The Furniture Production of Jonathan Fisher (1768-1847) of Blue Hill, Maine”
Travis McDonald, “Ante Bellum Craftsmen of Virginia.”
Willard Anderson & Larry Pruess, “A Study of the Form & Function of Mother Planes: Planes to Make Planes.”
Elizabeth Cook, “Creating the City at the Falls: Building Culture in Richmond, Virginia, 1780-1860
James Andrew Neill, “‘He Who Dwells in Our Town Shall Dress as a Brother’— The Business of a Tailor Shop in a Moravian Town.”
Holly A. Kecham “Daniel Simmons of D. Simmons & Co. Axes & Edge Tools.”
S. Rabbit Goody: “Reproduction of a Surviving Ingrain Carpet Head”
Marilyn S. Hatch: “A Survey & Documentation of the Remaining 18th Century & 19th Century Water Powered Sash Mills in the United States.”
Herbert J. Lapp: “Thomas Livezey’s Merchant Flour Mill, Its Early Millwrights, Cooper Shop & Original Copper Tools”
Maria Vacillovna Shevzov: “Musical Instrument Trade, Raleigh, North Carolina 1800-1860”
Martha B. Katz-Hyman: Turner for Thomas Jefferson: William D. Fitz/Fitch of Albemarle County, Virginia
Hamelin, Richard L.: The Account Book of John Parker: Potter of Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1747-1756
Florence Feldman-Wood: A Study of the Patent Models of Spinning Wheels in the National Museum of American History
Byron C. Smith: Identifying the Newtown School of Virginia Freight Wagons
Marshall Scheetz: Degrees of Separation: 18th and 19th Century Coopers from Rural Virginia and Maritime New England