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Committee Members
EAIA Standing Committees
Executive Committee:

Terry Wakeman – President -
Rodney Richer – 1st Vice-President/Treasurer
Peter Hudson, Jr – 2nd Vice-President
Jane Butler – Secretary


Membership Committee:

Chair – Andrew Rowand

Sally Fishburn

Marc Sitkin

Preston Sweeney


Meetings & Programs:

Chair – John H. Verrill
Sally Fishburn
Terry Wakeman
Mary Ann & Tom Graham


Publications Committee
(The Chronicle & Shavings):

Chair – Patty MacLeish
Sarah Thomas-
Dan Miller -
John Verrill
Andrew Rowand

Endowment Fund Committee:

Chair – Heidi Campbell Shoaf
Paul Van Pernis 
Donna Page
Peter Hudson
John Verrill
Terry Wakeman


Research Grants:

Chair – Heidi Campbell-Shoaf
John Verrill

Karl Schmidt
Carrie Blough


Awards Committee:

Chair – Denise Richer
Alice Roemer
Rodney Richer, Jr.


Nominating Committee:

Sally Fishburn

Dana Shoaf


Website Committee:

Marc Sitkin-Chair
Cheryl Fox

Abraham Hyatt

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